воскресенье, 19 января 2014 г.

3 reasons why the weight just won’t come off…

Have you been trying to lose weight for a while now? Maybe you’ve tried all the diets out there, maybe you’ve tried working out in the gym, maybe you’ve tried just about everything out there to lose weight. If this sounds like you, you are not alone… I know how hard it can to lose weight, which is why I put together these 3 quick tips that the pros know, which will have that weight coming off in no time…

1) Eating the right foods…
Here are some of the foods that you should avoid if you are trying to lose weight and get into shape.

  • Trans‐fats
  • Sodium
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • White bread
All of these types of food are not only detrimental to your health in high amounts, but will limit your body’s ability to shed fat quickly and efficiently, avoid these foods at all costs!

Instead try to incorporate more of these healthy and micro‐nutrient rich foods into your diet and watch the pounds melt away!
  • Whole vegetables
  • Fresh fruit
  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
2) Measuring the right things…
Did you know that there is no way to burn fat in one area of the body? The only way to burn fat in problem areas such as the love handles, pectorals, stomach, or hips is to lower your overall total body fat percentage. There is no way to get rid of fat cells except to have them removed in a surgical procedure. When you “lose fat” your body is actually shrinking its fat cells.
Now that you know this, it is important for you know how to monitor your body fat percentage because by measuring body weight, you can actually trick yourself into thinking that you are not losing any fat. Did you know that when you build muscle and lose fat you might actually gain weight? This is because muscle weighs more than fat.

Thinking that you are not losing any weight no matter how hard you workout can be demotivating. So how can you monitor body fat effectively? One way to monitor your body fat percentage is with a body fat caliper. This device will help you measure the real amount of fat that you are losing and help motivate you along the way.

3) Recovering properly…
Did you know that you could work out really hard in the gym and not see optimal fat loss? You could even work out 4 hours a day 7 days a week, but if you don’t give your body time to recover, your body will not increase its muscle mass. Muscle mass is what burns fat, and when you workout, your muscles experience mirco‐tears in the fibers which need time to heal properly and grow. Muscle is your biggest ally in burning fat
and you need to build it correctly so it can do its job.
In addition to muscle growth, rest is important to other bodily functions so getting the proper amount of sleep is crucial to burning fat. Research has shown that our bodies sleep in 90 minute cycles and that to get the correct amount of sleep you need to harness your body’s natural sleep cycle. Either seven and a half hours or nine hours of sleep is optimal for effective recovery. Make sure to take a day or 2 of rest in between
your workouts as well.